Saturday, November 30, 2013

November Randoms

Go Cowboys!

Decorating the Christmas Tree

We finally got around to putting up the Christmas tree and the rest of our Christmas decorations. Leah was entertained for about 10 minutes and then she was over it. But we got it all up including a little tree for her room.

 Our Christmas puppy - he hates this hat

She got a little confused about the Christmas stockings. She thought they were socks.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Thanksgiving in Arizona

Our family took the week of Thanksgiving to visit Grandma and Grandpa D in Arizona. Leah was the only one who had seen their house from our family and Chad and I felt a little jealous :-) Mom still worked from AZ during the week but we still had plenty of time to enjoy the warm weather and see some cool sites. 

Quick snack at the airport

 Leah did a GREAT job on the plane. She was a 'lap child' but luckily the planes both there and back had open seats so she got her own seat both times. Which was really a good thing, I think she would have got pretty restless on mommy's lap the whole time.

The majority of the time was spent watching her iPad and eating snacks

We made it! Here was one of our outings feeding the fish at the casinos in Laufland.

 And walking on the boardwalk

Trying to get some pics to put on the Christmas cards

This night we went to Lake Havasu and took a walk on the London Bridge and by the water

 We went at night because we thought they might have their Christmas lights up for the seasons. Although they were all hung, these were the only lights that were on. Oh well, we will have to go see it another year.

Helping Grandma put up her Christmas trees

 Taking some pictures around Grandma and Grandma's house. The only road runner mommy saw :-)

Then we headed to Vegas. Here we are watching the fountain show at the Bellagio.

 The Vegas strip from our window

Then Grandma, Mommy and Leah took a walk along the strip to see all the sites. There actually was so much for Leah to see that she really loved the walk. 

Had to stop for some pictures opportunities too

 Leah's favorite part of Vegas, the standing escalators. She loved them and would have rode them over and over.

 This kiss was a funny story. Following Grandma getting the above picture with Leah, a couple was there next to us who went up to Grandma and asked her if they could also take a picture with Leah because she was just so cute. Mommy said it was fine and then the lady sat with Leah while the husband took a bunch of pictures. Then the husband wanted some with just Leah too. So he sat with Leah and he wife took a bunch of pictures of them. She looked at me and said "you can take pictures too" but mom didn't really think she needed pictures of Leah with some strangers. Then the lady gave Leah this bid kiss on her cheek. It was so weird... but gave Grandma and I a good laugh. We watch Leah a little closer for the rest of the day :-)

 Walking around the Miracle Mile Shops

Taking in the casino

This was Leah's souvenir from the trip. She saw these barking/walking puppies at the front of the store and had to have them. This dog still barks loudly at our house to this day. 

And lastly, a few shots from the last night we were there. Mom and dad went to see the show Absinthe. It's a comedy/acrobatic show. It was good, I would recommend it.