Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December Randoms

 Still love our Halloween costume in December

 Testing out Chewie's bed

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Cermak Christmas

On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day we spent the holiday with the Cermaks and Bryans.

Another HUGE pile of presents

The Bryan kids

With Grandma and Grandpa C

Sorting gifts and getting ready to open

Leah had another big loot of gifts and this house

Blake and Darth

Opening and playing with their new stuff

 Go Dolphins

Uncle Clint and Aunt Paige

 Testing out the new pillow and blanket that Grandma C made for her

Avery trying her new pillow and blanket out too

Grandma and Grandpa C

Leah's new baby doll and crib

 Practicing to be a big sister, she's going to be so great at it!

 The whole family (minus the puppies)

Christmas feast

 The girls getting ready to watch The Scrooge

 Sprinkling reindeer food so Santa and his reindeer could find us at Grandma and Grandpa's house

 Christmas morning, opening Santa gifts

 All ready for church - these 4 clean up nice :-)

Monday, December 23, 2013

New Do

Darlene's (our daycare provider) daughter, Bryn, loves to do Leah's hair. Especially now that it is long enough to put into some fun pony tails. Here's some shots of her cute hair do.