Friday, February 28, 2014

February Randoms

The oldest of our babies

 Go Bison!

A picture with Bryn (daycare's daughter)

Yes, we lost a battle that night and she is sleeping in her swimsuit. Pick your battles right?

New remote control car

We love playing or watching movies on our game (aka ipad)

A Valentine's day gift from Auntie Paige and Uncle Clint

Testing out the chairs for baby

Luke Bryan Concert

A few friends and I went to my third concert as a pregnant lady.... it was the Luke Bryan concert. He put on a great show and sure is one handsome guy!

Thanks for a great night!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Happy Birthday Paige

Wow.. we can't believe you are 8!! Happy Birthday Paige! Hope it was a special day for a very special little girl!

Happy Birthday Avery

A sweet 2 year old! Happy Birthday Avery!

Florida Work Trip

Mommy got to go on a trip for work to Florida. What a great time for a work trip as it was cold and icky back home. Here's a few pictures of the beautiful beach, our group and going on an alligator tour.

 Love the guy in the background of this :-) Photo bomb

 Here's the view of the snow, landing back home :-(