Monday, March 31, 2014

March Randoms

Sorry a lot of randoms this month but just love this little cutie!

 Testing out the baby's swing

 Auntie Paige came over to read some books to Leah as part of her assignment for college. Leah loved it!

Playing at Burger King

She picked out this new Sophia hat and was so proud of it.

LOVES this game with daddy

 Coloring and watching her 'game'

 Feeding Ziggy - he loves having Leah around

 Bryn reading at daycare

Monday, March 24, 2014

Leah's Updated Room

Since much of Leah's furniture got moved over to the baby's room... her room got switched around a little. Thought I would take a few pics of what her room looks like now.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Baby Girl Room

We absolutely LOVE how our baby girl room turn out.. all compliments of Aunt Nikki, Aunt Chas and Grandma D. The design was all a surprise for mommy again this time and it couldn't have turned out any better. Isn't it adorable?? It's great to because all the blankets, accessory covers, curtains, etc. were all made by Grandma D. which is so special.

Thank you so much Nikki, Chas and Grandma D.... the room is PERFECT!! We really, really couldn't have asked for a better space for our new little sweetie and thank you so much for this wonderful gift for her. She will always know how much she is loved from the very beginning that you put this special effort into making her the perfect room. We can't wait for her be here to complete the space.

The Before:

 The After:

 Leah approves :-)


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Always a Princess

One of  Leah's favorite things to do is dress up like a princess. She likes do dress up daily in her princess dress, heels, crown and wand. She will either walk around the house saying "I'm a princess" or she will use the wand and say "abra cadabra, you a ...." and change us into animals, expecting us to make the animal sounds. 

We love you our little princess. 

This day she HAD to wear her princess dress to daycare... oh well.

 But she wore her dress all day, even outside at home after daycare.

"Abra Cadabra"

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Taking Care of Babies

Leah has been such a little mommy of her babies lately. She loves putting them in the swing (that is set up for our real baby), feeding them, giving them blankies and especially pushing them around in the stroller or shopping cart. Hope this means she's ready for a new little one to join our house. Hope she doesn't drop her on her head like she does her dolls.

Thursday, March 13, 2014