Monday, July 25, 2011

It's Time

Well...I think it's time to start a blog!!! I really enjoy looking at everyone else's blogs and seeing updates on everyone's families. Although I know I won't be as creative as other family members, I will do my best and at least I can post some pictures on here, including a lot as a result of this....

Yup, if you haven't heard, Chad and I are having a baby!!! Estimated arrival is January 19th, 2012. We are nervous but very excited. Luckily, we have some great people to give us lots of tips on being good parents.

So although I will warn you in advance that I'm not a very good writer; here is the start of documenting our journey to parenthood (and eventually printing it as a baby book for Baby D).


Eric and Kayla said...

YEAH! So excited for #1) Baby D. and #2) that you started a blog!!

And...don't stress about any of your posts. I look forward to any and all posts no matter if they are just pictures or stories!

Megan said...

Yay! I agree with Kayla!

Anonymous said...

Kim said..... Ditto all of that..

Unknown said...

Pretty sure I'll be checking at least three times a day just like I check everyone else's blog :) Doesn't take much to entertain me...especially when it's about my new little niece or nephew...or you guys too I guess!