Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Growing Belly

Halfway to my due date... here is a picture of my growing belly for all of those people who haven't seen me for a while...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Seeing Our Bundle of Joy

Today was a great day!  We got to see Baby D for the first time. From the looks of everything on the ultrasound he/she is healthy without any complications; or as the doctor put it when she walked in the room "you have a perfect baby." It seemed like they took hundreds of pictures, so the baby should be getting used to being in front of the camera now.

And it was also a special day as daddy got to find out if you are a boy or girl?!? Mom decided to wait until you are born but dad wanted to find out now, so we made this card for only him to see (and don't worry anyone who knows Chad knows he can keep a secret):

Mom and dad think you look a little like an alien, especially in the 4D shots, but a cute one anyway :-) You sure are a mover too. You were wiggling around the whole time which was fun to watch! You really loved your little hand up by your face.

Almost halfway there until we get to meet you in person and we can't wait!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Highlights from the 1st Trimester

Now that I’m on to trimester #2 (which I hear is the best one), I thought I would do a little recap of how the first trimester of being pregnant went.

  • First sign of being pregnant: had to pee what felt like a million times a day, I knew something was up.
  • Day we found out: Sunday May 15th, 2011
  • Daddy’s first words when he found out about you: “That was quick.”
  • Nausea started: 6 weeks
  • Morning sickness REALLY started: 7 weeks
  • I worry you might have a slight temper as on days you haven’t got enough sleep the night before… you let me know you aren’t happy!
  • First doctor’s appointment June 24th – the doctor (not our regular doctor) was a comedian during the whole appointment. When he was checking my uterus he said: “wow… your uterus is enlarged, {with a worried face} it could be fibroids…...…....... or there’s a baby in there”  and started laughing hysterically
  • You can credit all of the suppers you have gotten to your dad, as mom has not been a very ambitious cook lately
  • You are still letting me wear my regular clothes and luckily I still fit in my bridesmaid dress for Clint and Paige's wedding
All in all, it has been pretty uneventful so far and I definitely would do it all over again!  I’m sure 2nd and 3rd trimesters will bring their own special surprises!

Friday, August 5, 2011

First Stuffed Animal

Baby D got his/her first stuffed animal and it came all the way from Alaska...

Thank you Sandy and Jerry! I love it and think it is perfect that the first stuffed animal the baby got says Alaska on it (where mommy was born). 

Baby's First Gifts

Even though Baby D is months away from being born, it doesn't mean he/she isn't spoiled already.

Thanks everyone for Baby D's first presents. All I know is this baby is very lucky to have such great family!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Guess What I Heard?

This is a very short video of Baby D's heartbeat at 14.5 weeks.

Although I've heard probably 100s of baby's heartbeats while working at the birthing center. There is still nothing else like hearing it coming from your own stomach.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Cermak married July 23rd, 2011. It's crazy to think my little brother is a married man. The wedding was beautiful and so were the the bride and groom!

We are so happy to have Paige as a new addition to our family!