Friday, August 12, 2011

Highlights from the 1st Trimester

Now that I’m on to trimester #2 (which I hear is the best one), I thought I would do a little recap of how the first trimester of being pregnant went.

  • First sign of being pregnant: had to pee what felt like a million times a day, I knew something was up.
  • Day we found out: Sunday May 15th, 2011
  • Daddy’s first words when he found out about you: “That was quick.”
  • Nausea started: 6 weeks
  • Morning sickness REALLY started: 7 weeks
  • I worry you might have a slight temper as on days you haven’t got enough sleep the night before… you let me know you aren’t happy!
  • First doctor’s appointment June 24th – the doctor (not our regular doctor) was a comedian during the whole appointment. When he was checking my uterus he said: “wow… your uterus is enlarged, {with a worried face} it could be fibroids…...…....... or there’s a baby in there”  and started laughing hysterically
  • You can credit all of the suppers you have gotten to your dad, as mom has not been a very ambitious cook lately
  • You are still letting me wear my regular clothes and luckily I still fit in my bridesmaid dress for Clint and Paige's wedding
All in all, it has been pretty uneventful so far and I definitely would do it all over again!  I’m sure 2nd and 3rd trimesters will bring their own special surprises!

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