Sunday, November 13, 2011

Baptism Outfits

I was going to wait until baptism to show these but then I realized I would only be able to show the baby in 1 of them and I love them both; so I thought I would put pictures up of them up now.

A while ago (even before we found out we were expecting) I decided I didn't know what to do with my wedding dress. It was just taking up a lot of room in the closet. So I asked Grandma Dschaak to make it into a baptismal gown. She surprised us with making my dress into a girl gown and a boy outfit. She is incredibly talented and I really love how they turned out.

Here's the before:

And here's the finished products:

Thank you SO much Grandma Dschaak!! The outfits are absolutely amazing and I know Baby D will treasure whichever one he/she gets to wear.


Becky said...

omg, wow that is total talent!! thats such a good idea!!

Unknown said...

That mom of ours...she is so talented :)

Eric and Kayla said...

What an AWESOME idea and they turned out beautiful!!

janet said...

They look awesome. Your a lucky lady to be related to such a talented person.......... Good Luck with the rest of your pregnancy.

Lacy said...

That is such a GREAT idea and she did a GREAT job!!!!

Anonymous said...

Kim Said... That Grandma, he is so talented..