Monday, December 12, 2011

Baby Shower #2

I had another wonderful baby shower this weekend put on my by my sisters - Chas and Nikki. They did an amazing job with all of the Christmas decorations, food and theme ideas for my Santa Baby shower.

I know that they put in a lot of time, work and thought to make this day so special for me and Baby Dschaak and I can't thank them enough. It was perfect! - If you need a party planned you really should contact them!

Thank you so much to everyone who came to celebrate with us. I am extremely lucky to have such great family and friends who could come and enjoy the day with us. The only thing missing was Grandma Dschaak, who was missed, but hopefully was enjoying the warm Arizona weather!

And as always, everyone was way too generous!! This isn't even everything (as I got some late gifts sent and delivered after I took this). But a huge thank you to everyone. I'm thinking this baby should have everything he or she needs now.  Well... I hope so anyways as I honestly have no idea what all a baby really needs?!? Guess I will find out soon enough :-)


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the shower. You and Baby Dschaak deserved all the attention! Chas

Anonymous said...

Kim said... Wish I could have been there would have been fun.. Looks like you made a haul.

janet said...

We had Dyllons Birthday Party, sorry we missed it. hope you got our gift card.

Eric and Kayla said...

Tiff - my gift is still a work-in-progress. I didn't forget about you! It will just be late! :) Wish I could have been there too! The party looked wonderful!