Sunday, January 15, 2012

3rd Trimester

Well, hopefully this baby will decide to come out soon. But here's what happened in the final months of Baby D's pregnancy:
  • I've been really lucky as I'm almost 40 weeks and am still comfortable
  • Sleep = a bit challenging.  Every 2-3 hour bathroom breaks during the night don't make for a very good night's sleep (poor Chad and Ziggy too)
  • Baby D is a kicker! I could definitely tell when baby was getting stronger because those 'cute' kicks began to hurt
  • Baby has lots of hiccups. I usually feel hiccups at least once a day
  • The nursery is complete but has only been seen by Nikki, Chas and Chad. I am SUPER excited to see the room!!! Chad changed the lock on the door and hid the key; so even if I've been tempted, I haven't been able to look. I am curious though; I did test the handle a couple of times to just make sure it was locked :-)
  • I have still been lazy! - that's been a constant throughout this pregnancy
  • Luckily my hubby has been awesome! I haven't felt any nesting but I think he has as he's been such a huge helper in the cooking/cleaning department
  • 8 p.m. is usually the baby's most active time. I like to just sit in my chair at that time and watch my stomach change shapes. It really is amazing to watch.

All in all, a great pregnancy - now it's just time for a healthy baby and we are all set!


Anonymous said...

No Picture??

We are patiently waiting for the call....


becky said...

cant wait to hear the news, good luck!!