Monday, February 20, 2012


Leah was baptized last Sunday (2-19-12). She got to dress up in her pretty dress (made by Grandma D) and everything went great until the priest poured that water on her head.. then she screamed and screamed through the rest of her part. She definitely let us know she wasn't a fan. But we all had a great day with our amazing family all here to celebrate with us. Thank you everyone who came and shared Leah's special day with her!

Skyping with Grandma and Grandpa D
With Mommy and Daddy

Grandma and Grandpa C

Mommy thinks she looked so beautiful
This is where it all went down hill :-)

With her Godparents - Auntie Shell, Uncle Tom and Auntie Chas

The Bryan's

The Wixo's

Auntie Paige and Uncle Clint

Thanks again everyone. It was definitely a long day for Leah, she slept the whole evening after everyone left. 


Anonymous said...

Grandma and Grandpa say.
Thanks for taking the time to skype with us. We know it was a busy day for you guys.
Great pictures of all of the family. We agree she did look beautiful.

Anonymous said...

My god daughter sure is beautiful.
