Monday, February 27, 2012

One Month Old

Time has gone by so fast and my little baby is already one month old. What an amazing month it has been with this sweet little girl.

Some Leah facts:
  • Eating is still your favorite pasttime. You are a pretty scheduled little baby (which is nice for mommy) - feedings are usually about every 3 hours every time
  • You hold your head up like a champ and love to be sitting up; however you aren't a huge fan of tummy time
  • You love your swing. You love it even more than mommy or daddy holding you
  • You like sleeping on your side best when we do that during the day, but you sleep fine on your back in your crib at night
  • Your crabby time is pretty consistant around 5 to 7 every night - this is hard for daddy because that's the time he is home with you
  • You love to stick out your tongue
  • You had your first ever bottle (of breastmilk) on 2/26/12 fed by daddy and you loved it, scarfed it all down

  • You are a great traveler and love your car seat (as long as the car remains moving!)
  • You also are a great shopper. You stay asleep in your car seat and love being pushed around in the cart
  • You are getting so big! You are almost out of your newborn clothes and into your 0-3 month clothes. I think you have worn all of your new newborn clothes at least once (but a lot of it only once because you had so much!)
  • You are using size 1 diapers now, they are a little big but they work
  • Your eyes are still blueish-grey and you still have all your beautiful hair
  • Every once in a while mommy catches a smile which melts her heart and you also make an "ahh" noise that mommy loves

Here you are last month (4 days old):

And here is our big girl (one month old):

Bottom line: after a month we are sure that you are a perfect addition to our family. Thanks for making this the best month ever! We love you so much!


Unknown said...

Oh so cute - and so many changes in her looks already! Can't believe it's already been a month - time flies! And way to go mommy for keeping the blog so up to date!

Eric and Kayla said...

Ohhhh - she is already growing like crazy and oh so adorable! Happy 1 month Leah!

Kaity said...

I agree, she already looks so different!! But still adorable!!

Lacy said...

Can't believe its been a month already.....enjoy every minute cause it seems like time just gets faster and faster everyday!!!

Chas said...

Happy one month birthday Leah!!!! You are changing so fast and getting so big.