Saturday, February 25, 2012

Our Week with Parker

Leah and I got to spend the whole week with Parker this week because he didn't have daycare. We had so much fun. He was very well behaved all week and he's such a good cousin to Leah. He was so patient with her (and her crying) all week!

We did projects and crafts

Parker got a lot of Leah holding time

Played "puter"

Took naps together

Gave lots of kisses. Parker also was so nice to share his blanket with Leah anytime she cried. Then he would give it to her and say "Leah like it." Super cute!

Gave Leah toys to play with

Played with Ziggy in the snow

Made snow angels

And sometimes Leah just chilled

We even made it into Fargo one day to visit Tiff's work, go to McDonalds and go shopping. And that went really well too (luckily)! We had a great time with you Parker.. come back anytime! Although this mommy is a little excited to be down to just one kid during the day again next week. 


Unknown said...

Parker asked this morning if he got to go back today, and was bummed when I told him it was a stay home day :) Thanks so much for helping us out last week not only was it a huge help, Parker was excited to get to do something that Paige didn't get to do!

Anonymous said...

You're the best Tiff!! On friday night Parker told me he had a good day with you and Leah and even got to see Chad! Chas