Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Two Months Old

You are growing so fast! I think you get bigger everyday. You are two months old now and mommy will be going back to work soon. But this has truly been the best two months of mommy's life, getting to spend almost every minute with you.

Here's what we know:
  • You still love to eat; however, now you are getting bigger so it is usually spaced out to every 3.5 to 4 hours
  • You are a great sleeper. You get up during the night to eat, burp, get diaper changed and then go right back into your crib and go to sleep by yourself. Mommy is super lucky that she still gets a good amount of sleep too, especially now that you have been sleeping for a 5 to 6 hour stretch each night
  • You are too big and strong to take baths in the sink anymore so we moved to the tub. You seem to really like baths, just don't like the cold part of coming out of the bath to your towel
  • 5 pm to 7 pm is still your crabbiest time of day. Warning to anyone who wants to come visit at that time that they might have to endure a crying baby for a lot of it
  • You still LOVE your swing! It's still your favorite even over mommy or daddy holding you
  • You don't like tummy time but you love to sit up by yourself and you hold your neck up really well
  • Ziggy is warming up to you a little more now. He still ignores you a lot but occasionally he will come over and give you some kisses, just to let you know he does love you
  • You are smiling all the time now! Mostly in the mornings and so that is mommy's favorite time of day. Even if we are having a bad day, those smiles make everything worth it!!
  • You have lots to say (or coo) and you love when someone will sit and talk to you
  • You used to get hiccups after almost every feed. You still get them a lot, but no as often as you used to. You still hate them though
  • You are still the loudest pooper we know
  • You are still wearing 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers
  • Your eyes are still bluish-grey and you haven't lost that hair yet
  • You are not a very cuddly baby - You really enjoy your alone time (guess you take after daddy). When your are upset, laying you out  by yourself on your blanket will usually calm you down and make you smile again
  • You had your first sleepover at the Wixo's this month
Here you were at 1 month:

And here you are at 2 months:


Eric and Kayla said...

Love the update! You are getting too big too fast Miss Leah, but still adorable as ever!

Unknown said...

Oh you are getting so big! But still as cute as ever :)