Tuesday, May 22, 2012

First Day of Daycare

Yesterday was Leah's first day of her summer "daycare". We are really happy that daycare means going to Auntie Nikki's house everyday.

Nikki, we are SO lucky to have you!!  Currently, Paige and especially Parker are Leah's biggest fans. They constantly want to hug and kiss her. I hope they still feel the same way when the summer is over. :-)

Here's a pic from the first day:


Unknown said...

Gotta admit day one was a change from my normal easy life, but day two was great! The kids are happy to have Leah here, I'm enjoying have a sweet baby to love on, and Corey's happy that I'm getting my baby fix during his work hours so I don't get any crazy thoughts about having another :) Should be a great summer!

Chas said...

Sounds fun. Wish I could join the four of you for the summer!