Thursday, May 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Ziggy!!!

Our first "baby" turns 5 years old today!! I can't believe we have had our puppy for 5 years already. I will never forget the day we got Ziggy. We saw him at the mall and it looked like two other dogs were being mean to him (now looking back, I think he was probably the instigator). But, we felt so bad for him that we asked if we could take him out to hold him.

The first thing Ziggy did when when he got into Chad's arms was give him a kiss. And Chad instantly looked at me and said "We are taking him home... aren't we?" And 10 minutes later Ziggy was in the car.



It was one of the best decisions we ever made!! We love you Ziggy!!

1 comment:

Chas said...

Happy Birthday Ziggy!