Sunday, August 26, 2012

First Day of Daycare

It was a bittersweet day last Monday. It was sad because Leah's summer with Auntie Nikki, Paige and Parker was over. :-( We can't begin to thank Nikki for watching Leah all summer. Leah had so much fun with her cousins and it was so nice for mom not to have to worry about who was watching her baby. It truly was wonderful... but the summer is over and it's time for Auntie Nikki to go back to work.

So, Monday was Leah's first day at daycare. We found a home daycare with two wonderful ladies who work there and so far it's going great!!

Here's some picks from the first day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We miss her already. It was so fun watching her change over the three months. I'm one lucky auntie to have gotten so much time with such a little sweetie !