Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Festivities (part 3)

And Christmas day was spent with the whole Cermak clan. Grandma and Grandpa made a yummy meal and we had a fun day of present opening and spending time with family.

The Cermak cousins...
The boy who has everything... it took till the 3rd gift for him to open one he didn't already have... oops, guess we should coordinate better :-)
Our Christmas princess

She really was yelling in excitement. Her cabbage patch doll named Leah.
Uncle Clint playing

Grandma filling the kids up with chocolate...

Ready to eat our yummy meal

Jerit spent the whole nap time putting this lego truck together. VERY impressive!! I don't think any of the rest of us would have that much patience.

More presents...
What a wonderful Christmas!!

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