Friday, October 25, 2013

Telling the Dschaaks

It was just as fun announcing our baby #2 to our families although we had to think of some new ways to make the announcement. Again, we had a difficult time getting the families together at one time so there are multiple announcement stories.

Our first starts with Grandma and Grandpa D. We wanted to tell them before they left for Arizona for the winter. They were staying at our house the week before they were ready to go back. I got some cookies ready to put into the oven and then went to sit on the couch and the next time Grandma got up I asked her to put the cookies in the oven.

She opened the oven up to this....

And replied along the lines of "Are you still wanting to warm this bun up?" To which Chad and I started chuckling and it followed by "Oh... are you trying to tell us something?" It was a funny moment and probably my favorite reaction.

For Aunt Chas - she takes Leah to the gym all the time with her. So I put Leah in the below shirt with a zip up sweatshirt over it and her jacket and sent her off to the gym. I expected Chas to take off her jacket and sweatshirt and waited patiently by my phone waiting for her call/text about the surprise. But... she brought Leah back after the gym saying nothing. So, I told Leah to take her sweatshirt off and she finally got to see the shirt surprise.

And for Aunt Nikki, Uncle Corey, Paige and Parker - we all went out to Chinese buffet together. Leah was wearing this same shirt under her jacket which I left on until Aunt Nikki could come take it off. She took Leah's jacket off and kept talking and talking and it took a few minutes to see the shirt after which everyone had to come back from getting food at the buffet to see what the commotion was about. Paige was really excited. Parker didn't really get it until about 30 minutes later when we were talking about it and he said "You are going to have a baby." :-)

Everyone is so excited to meet you baby and we can't wait for you to get here!!

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