Sunday, December 22, 2013

Dschaak Christmas

Waiting for everyone to arrive

 A few pictures with mom

 Wow.. look at all those gifts!

Posing with their loot

All the kids helped with passing out gifts

 Let's get started and opening these things up

 Grandma and Grandpa D got in on the fun via skype

Our yearly tradition. Paige still has to open the biggest gift first and after 7 years, she still forgets about our multiple box tradition :-) So cute!

 Leah had some good helpers to open up her gifts

 Chapstick... the gift that distracted Leah from all her other gifts. She just wanted to play with the chapstick for the rest of the time (until mom hid it)

Paige finding out she was getting an America Girl doll for Christmas

 She was really excited :-)

 And looked at the magazine to pick out her choices the rest of the day

 They all got so much good stuff

 Leah's favorite, a new 4 wheeler to drive around. She loved it and had a blast cruising around the kitchen/living room

 And we couldn't forget our Ziggyboy and his Christmas treats

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