Friday, January 17, 2014

It's time for... Potty Training!

Well we decided it was time to start the dreaded potting training. We wanted Leah to be trained before the new baby comes plus she's been showing signs of wanting to go on the potting - knows when she goes, wants her diaper changed right away, etc.

Here's how her progress went the first couple of days (then I stopped tracking).

Day #1 (only a 1/2 day after work):   01/17/14

0 - successes
2 - accidents

Frustrated mommy who wasn't sure if this was going to happen.

Day #2 01/18/14

Got up and first thing we did was get on the potty and she went! Yippee... gave mommy some hope to this potty training.

Overall day:

3 successes (2 pee and 1 poop)
4 accidents

Getting a little better I guess.. Here's a few more pics, we decided to go with the whole no pants potty training (as much as we could). She didn't mind hanging out without pants.

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