Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Our Ft. Myers Vacation

Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa D. we all got to go on a fun vacation to Florida. We had a great trip and of course mommy took lots of pictures. We will split them out by days as there are lots. But here's a recap of a great trip with nice weather and a relaxing time.

We started off the trip in the cities. We went a day early so we could do some shopping, swimming and have a night in the hotel.

As part of Paige's Christmas gift we go her an American girl doll so of course we had to go to the American Girl doll store and pick it out. Welcome Morgan to the Wixo family :-)

I couldn't get over the American Girl store - they actually have people they pay to brush doll hair. 

Some more shopping at the M.O.A. Of course Leah needed some treats too.

And finally... ready to get on the plan for vacation

Always nice when they fall asleep on the plane

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