Sunday, February 23, 2014

Finishing Up the 2nd Trimester

The second trimester went well. Nothing too exciting happened, it was a lot different with this pregnancy than the first because of having a 2 year old running around as well. Guess it meant not as much time to think of all things happening in my belly. We are getting really excited for our new little one to join our family!

  • First felt some baby flutters (that I knew were baby) at 17 weeks
  • Stronger kicks came at about 21 weeks and more frequent
  • Now kicking all the time and much harder than Leah ever did
  • Morning sickness ended at 19 weeks - Yippee!!!
  • Cravings have been pretty typical of pregnant people - pickles and ice cream - but no, not together :-)
  • Went on first vacation (via belly) to Ft. Myers, FL
  • Had ultrasound on January 9th and fount out you are a GIRL!
  • Went to first concert on January 11 - Pink
  • Went to 2nd concert on February 7 - Justin Timberlake (I seem to go to a lot of concerts when I'm pregnant
  • All and all, a pretty smooth, easy pregnancy thus far

And now we continue our countdown to the 3rd trimester anxiously awaiting your arrival!

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