Friday, May 30, 2014

Leah's Daycare Graduation

Leah has been going to the same home daycare ever since she was about 7 months old (after Auntie Nikki watched Leah during the summer.) Her daycare only takes kids up to 2.5 years and since Leah will be staying home with mommy during her maternity leave by the time that's over Leah will be over 2.5. So she will be starting a new daycare when mommy goes back to work and it was time for Leah's graduation from the place she has gone every weekday for almost 2 years.

Darlene (Leah's daycare lady) had a cute little graduation party for all of the little ones that were 'graduating.' It was a fun little party with painting, pictures together and treats. But, it won't be so sad leaving since Karlee will be starting at Darlene's when mommy goes back to work so Leah will get to randomly go back and see her friends.

Happy Graduation Leah!! You are such a BIG GIRL!

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