Thursday, May 29, 2014

One Week Old

This first week has gone so well. Knock on wood.. but Karlee is an excellent baby so far... I honestly couldn't ask her to be any better than she has been this first week. Luckily, I've felt so good too that it is actually seeming a little easier than it should be. Karlee's already changed in looks so much since last Thursday and she is the perfect fit into our family!

Here's a few things from our first week:
  • Both sides of the family were here to visit this weekend so we had lots of visitors and people to help snuggle Karlee
  • Chad stayed home until Wednesday, went back to work on Thursday. It was great to have daddy home to help us out (especially with Leah)
  • Karlee is a great eater... she's has a super strong suck - ever since day 1. I've never had trouble getting her to eat. She's a pretty typical newborn and she eats about right on cue every 3 hours. It's kind of crazy how you can just predict when she will start to stir wanting to eat. 
  • Her first night at home (Friday night) she didn't sleep too well. Wasn't loving her crib and wanted to be snuggled a little more.
  • The second night at home she did amazing sleeping. Slept in her crib for a 4.5 hour stretch and besides that 3 hour stretches. The other nights have gone pretty much just as well. She's good about eating, burping and going back to rest
  • She LOVES her swing already. Leah always loved hers too so doesn't surprise me but she's spend many hours in that already
  • Leah is absolutely adorable with Karlee. You can tell she loves her so much and she definitely wants to keep her around. She's not too overbearing with her but likes to "hold her, hold her" and gives her tons of kisses. She also has the cutest little face and voice when she comes over to talk to her. When Karlee is sleeping she will come over and say "Ahhh... Karlee" with her sweet sisterly face. I love watching them together. But, Karlee still only ranks slightly above Leah's game (ipod) and t.v. and will cast her aside if she wants to play her game.
  • Ziggy is great with her. He hasn't skipped a beat and acts like she has always been a part of this family. He sniffed her a little the first day but that's been about the extent of his interest in her
  • She has a strong neck already and can almost hold it by herself sometimes
  • She's gotten lots of pictures taken of her already - hope she likes the camera
  • She randomly smiles (I know it's probably gas) but it's adorable
  • I'm loving using my iphone app called iBabyLog to track feedings and diaper changes - highly recommend that to others
  • She likes to pee and poop in her new diapers. Cold air must trigger it for her, but as long as I wait, it always seems that she goes after I've put the clean diaper on. 

We are loving watching Karlee grow. She truly is the perfect addition to our family and we can't imagine life without her already. We love you sweetie!  

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