Sunday, June 22, 2014

Karlee - One Month Old

We can't believe a month has already past with Karlee being a part of our family. Time really has flown and it feels like she has grown so much in just a month's time. Leah and I have enjoyed spending every day with our little cutie!

Here's some things that have happened during our first month:
  • You are a very routine baby which in turn also makes you a very easy baby. You really are so good! It has been crazy how you have consistently followed a 3-hour eat, play, sleep schedule. I time your feedings with my app and can anticipate you starting to stir at about 2 hours 40 minutes after your last feeding. I don't know how long this will last but it has made for a really easy time for planning for mommy.
  • You have been a great eater... you eat like you are staving every time which means you eat very fast. This has resulted in many cases of hiccups. You get hiccups at least 3 or 4 times a day.
  • You eat about every 3 hours but you do have a stretch of sleep at night of about 4 or 4.5 hours. Which is really nice for mommy!
  • You are a great burper and they are LOUD and usually many after each feeding.
  • Your one difficult time has been right around bedtime. This started around June 7 and lasted a few days which I think was a growth spurt. Now for the last week your cranky time starts usually at about 8 or 9 and you just can't get comfortable until 10:30 p.m. and then you zonk out. This is not mommy and daddy's favorite part of the day as during that time the only thing you like is to be walked around and bounced and of course by this time of day mommy is tired and doesn't really feel like walking around. 
  • You sprayed mommy with poop and pee for the first time during week 3. It was insane... mom went through 5 diapers because you just kept going and going. Mom couldn't stop laughing as she had poop and pee all over her. Dad thought mom was crazy.
  • Week 3 was a quiet one because Leah was gone with Grandma and Grandpa D.
  • You have definitely found your cry... and although you only really use it during your evenings.. it's definitely loud.
  • Leah still adores you. It is so cute how when you cry she comes over and says "Don't cry little baby." She still wants to keep you around and loves having you as her sister.
  • You grunt a lot.. I think it's because of gas.
  • You love your pacifier and it really does help you fall asleep.
  • You usually fall asleep in mommy and daddy's bed (after the crabbiness ends) but make it to your crib at some point during the night every night. Once you are sleepy, you don't mind your crib and sleep pretty well in there.
  • You had some blocked tear ducts in your eyes the first couple of weeks but those have all resolved now so you don't get that crusty stuff in your eyes anymore.
  • You are very strong with your head now and can hold it for short periods of time by yourself. 
  • You don't hate tummy time but you don't love it either. You usually tolerate it for a while and then you are done and start crying.
  • You love sleeping on your lamb, it's nice and cozy.
  • You have been great in the car seat every time and usually sleep in it. We have also been out to eat quite a few times with you and you sleep the whole time in your car seat the restaurant. What a good girl!
  • You also still love your swing and are very content resting there or even sitting it in it looking around.
  • You love to be held and walked around and check everything out.
  • You have really enjoyed your bath times. You sit in there content the whole time no matter how long and then cry when we get out. You also like getting your hair washed and don't cry if the water goes in your face.
  • Mommy loves taking pictures of you and now that the iphone is around and it's so easy - you have TONS of pictures.
  • You seem to like being outside but with the heat, rain and wind lately mommy hasn't taken you outside for too many long periods. 
  • Your eyes still look grey to mom. Not sure what color they will end up.
  • You smile a lot. It's random but I feel like you smile when people are talking to you so I think they are the real deal and are adorable.
  • You have outgrown both your newborn clothes and diapers... so sad! You are wearing size 1 diapers and size 0-3 clothes. (Mom started packing away the newborn stuff for a garage sale)
  • You are perfect and we love you so much!!

Watching Karlee Grow:

Here is your just born shot (4 days old):

And here you are at 1 month old already:

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