Thursday, June 5, 2014

Karlee's 2 Week Appt

Karlee went in for her 2 week appointment today. You are just perfect, growing so big already and healthy and that's all we could ask for.
Here are your 2 weeks stats:
Length-for-age - 21 in (83.5%)
Weight-for-age - 9 lbs 9 oz (89.7%)
Head - 14.5 in (93%)
Here is what you were when you were born:
Length-for-age - 21 in
Weight-for-age - 8 lbs 2 oz
Head - 13.8 in

 After the appointment Leah even got to go play at the play area in the mall.

 And Karlee slept, exhausted from her appointment.

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