Thursday, July 3, 2014

Karlee's 2 Week Check-Up


Karlee had a great 2-week check-up and is growing like a weed. She's definitely loving to eat and gained a good amount of weight. Most importantly - she's healthy and happy (so far).

Birth Stats:

Wt - 8 lbs 2 oz
Ht - 21 inches
Head - 13.8 in

2 Week Check-Up: 

             Wt - 9 lbs 9oz (Wt for length - 79th percentile,
                                Wt for age - 89th percentile)
Ht - 20.9 inches (84th percentile)
Head - 14.5 in (93rd percentile)

It's kind of funny that 9 lbs 9 oz was the exact weight of Leah at her 2 week check-up. :-) Honestly their stats are very similar so far.

So blessed to have a healthy little girl!

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