Sunday, July 27, 2014

Leah - 2.5 Years Old

I have to say that Leah is at my most favorite age thus far. There are so many funny, creative things she says and she definitely has her own personality. She's stubborn, tests her limits and loud but her sweet little voice saying "sorry", her beautiful smile or coming up with a joke that causes us to laugh make up for all of those "terrible 2" moments.


Warning... there's a lot to say about her right now so this will get long but a lot has happened in this little girl's life in the last 6 months. Leah you are just perfect and we love you more than you know!
  • You became a BIG SISTER! You are wonderful with Karlee and a perfect big sister.. you love her so much and are so sweet talking to her and helping her to feel better when she cries by bring her her paci. You are a great little helper with Karlee. It's so great to watch. You often say "Karlee it's okay." I'm so proud of you for the big sister you are.
  • Your biggest accomplishment is that you are POTTY TRAINED! YIPPPEEE... it took a bit but once we got serious about it, you did a great job. It's made things so much easier on mommy and we are glad we only have 1 in diapers. The week of June 5 you only had 1 accident so that's the time I'm counting as you were potty trained. You are such a big girl! You do wear a pull up at nap and nighttime but most of the time are dry. Mom is just leery to go without because she doesn't want to do laundry... but I suppose we will try that sometime soon.
Few things about Daycare (before you started staying home every day with mommy):
  • Your favorite think about daycare is the puppies
  • One day mommy had tummy ache and want to bed early. The next day mom came to get Leah at daycare and Darlene asked if I was sick yesterday. Leah kept saying mommy had tummy ache and was worried about me
  • Mommy always asks you how your day was after daycare and you always say "good" and then I say what did you do and you say "toys"
  • Another little girl had lice at daycare, so this was our first incident being around lice. Luckily you never got it... thank goodness.. but mom definitely did some through checks of your hair that week
  • You have had a little obsession with a little boy at daycare and any owie that you ever have you say "Asher did it" You pretty much blame him for anything that goes wrong or anytime you get hurt
  • You graduated from your home daycare and had a little party.You will now be going to a center as soon as mom is done with maternity leave
Other Random Things:
  • You are so curious. You are always asking "what's that? what's that?" and learning new things every day.
  • You are still a good eater. Your favorite foods include: chicken nuggets, dipping sauces (ranch, ketchup, etc), cheeze its, applesauce, cottage cheese, popcorn, pizza and spaghetti. You also went through a brief obsession with blue berries
  • You often call your food "deeelicious"
  • Love drinking chocolate milk or blue juice
  • When you get made you yell "my dee dee" or "my pillow" even I they are no where near you. No idea why? You love your purple dee dee (blanket) and pink pillow grandma made you. You need it every day. You also still love the blue elephant Parker gave you and you need it every night at bedtime
  • You talk ALL the time! Actually you prefer yelling. You are pretty easy to understand but I'm your mom so it's probably easier for me. Favorite Leah sayings (and she had the cutest little voice to say them in). Everything sounds cuter as a 2 year old:
    • "You so nice"
    • "You wanna play with me" - Mom hears this at least 10 times a day :-)
    • "Karlee, you just a baby"
    • "You wanna play with me??"
    • "Never, ever, EVER, do that again. Ever."
    • "Goodie, goodie"
    • "Sounds grreeeatt"
    • "I want to eat your boobie.. plleeeaassee."
    • "No way, Ho-say"
    • "[insert name] She/he's my friend"
    • "but I want to..."
    • "what are you doing?"
    • "what the hecks" - this one came after grandma and grandpa too I think :-)
    • "what's that noise?"
    • "Again, again"
    • "Hold me"
    • "I'm a big girl"
    • To the fireworks before Disney Jr. shoes "oohhh.. beautiful"
    • "I wanna run away"
    • "You funny mommy"
    • "Leah can do that"
    • "Come on.. vamanous" - obviously from Dora
    • "More, more"
    • Instead of saying yes - you say "of course"
    • "Leah don't need help"
    • You yell "Too Loud"
    • Answering questions you answer "cuz"
    • "You have any meatballs.. he he he" - this is from Team Umizoomis 
    • When we are driving you always tell us to "be careful"
    • You do a great job saying "thank you", "please" and are getting better with "sorry"
    • And of course mommy's favorite that still melts my heart every time. "I love you mommy" and now she started saying "I love you sooo much."
  • You hate bugs with good reason as you are definitely prone to bug bites. I think you take after your mom with that one. When you see bugs in our house you YELL "You live outside. Go to your home." You call all flies - bees. You also frequently are running away from spiders.
  • You frequently are using the saying "Leah wants..." "Leah wants..." It is pretty much all about you right now :-)
  • You want to be just like your cousin Paige and love to copy her every move. Luckily she's so nice to you and let's you follow her around.
  • You get angry quickly but you also forget that you are mad just as quickly. 
  • Bedtime and nap time have been a struggle with you lately. A BIG one! It usually takes us until about 10 p.m. for you to go to bed despite mom and dad's best efforts. You always want someone with you and you already are smart enough to avoid going to bed by saying you have to go potty or you need water. You also frequently yell "Mommy, I scared" during your rest times. However, once you fall asleep you sleep through everything.. including Karlee's crying which I'm grateful for. Some days you go without your naps.. you do okay with that but you still usually are up until 10 p.m. so that's frustrating.
  • You took a trip to see Grandma and Grandpa in Arizona. You came back from there talking about boobies.. I'm not sure what went down there? :-)
  • You are a daddy's girl. You love playing games with daddy. You frequently play hide and seek. You always hide in the same spot (the pantry). But your favorite is when you ask for a kiss "more kisses?" and then daddy gives you one and you wipe it off and laugh and laugh. 
  • You want to do everything today - you started saying today after lots of stuff like "I wanna go swimming today", etc.
  • You have the BEST laugh!!
  • If you cough or sneeze you always follow it with "I'm okay"
  • You love to shake your bootie.. it's super cute. And you still love to dance.You do the cuties "we did it" dance to Dora
  • You can tell everyone in the families eye color
  • Love to make up and sing your own songs... you sing ALL THE TIME! You will use the melody of Frozen's Let It Go but then change the works to fit whatever situation you are in. You also love the abc's, old mcdonald, twinkle, twinkle (probably the one you are best at)
  • You attract a lot of weird people to come and talk to us when we are out in public
  • You drink well out of a cup now
  • You know all your colors and shapes and tons of animals with their sounds. You also know the majority of your body parts. You learn a lot of this from t.v. because mom isn't great with teaching you all of this.
  • You love to dress up as a princess including high heels, princess dress, crown, necklaces and walk around saying "I'm a princess". You also play with your wand and say "abra ca dabra" and change us into an animal
  • Your favorite nighttime song is rock-a-by baby but we sing our own works to it. You also like to sing Old McDonald at night or Hush Little Baby. Here's our Rock-A-By Baby works
    • Rock-a-by Leah on the tree top
    • When the wind blows the cradle will rock
    • When the tree breaks the cradle will fall
    • But daddy will catch Leah, cradle and all
  • You mastered walking down the stairs while holding the railings
  • You call Ziggy, Ziggy boy now
  • You hate coming home to your own house. You love to be out and about and you will sometimes cry when we come to the driveway and yell "no home, no home"
  • You love technology! I think you would watch tv or play you iPad (you call it your game) all day long if mom and dad would let you. You will say "Leah's turn" or "Mommy's turn" when we change the tv stations.
  • Your favorite TV shoes include - Peppa Pig, Sophia, Umi Zoomies, Bubble Guppies, Dora
  • You also started watching movies and love Tangled, Bolt, Frozen and a Barbie Mermaid movie
  • When you watch Frozen, during the part where the parents go on the boat you always get really concerned... sad.. and say "where's mommy and daddy go?"
  • You started to be able to play fetch with Ziggy all by yourself
  • You are very dramatic about everything! 
  • You hate getting in trouble and when you really get yelled at you break down into tears. 
  • You can count to 12 but you still sometimes miss the number 5.. not sure why but we are working on it.
  • Since mom is home been sleeping in later 7:30 or even 8:30 some days. Going to be a shock to you when we start back to daycare.
  • You like playing with your babies and singing to them and putting them nigh night.
  • You say "Leah tooted" and laugh every time you fart
  • Your favorite toys have been your Little People Princesses and castle, clicky clock horses, play food and kitchen, barbies (usually just to take their clothes off and make them naked) and princess clothes
  • You are always on the go. You can definitely take out your toys faster than mom can pick them up. It's a constant struggle for mommy
  • You've definitely had more tantrums resulting in more time-outs. Also you have become a little sassy and like to talk back more than you ever used to. You have tantrums over the stupidest things too. The other day you had one because you pooped at nap time and mom put your pull up in the diaper genie and you said you wanted it. sigh...
  • When you play with your toys now your imagination is so fun to watch and pretty elaborate. You talk to them and have your dolls talk to each other. Your imagination also has expanded to things such as crocodiles living in our pond behind our house.
  • You give the BIGGEST hugs and the best kisses and you make sure we don't forget to give them to you every night. You really are so sweet.
  • You tell us "that's enough" when you don't want us to pick on you anymore
  • You yell at your ipad when it doesn't work right and say "come on!"
  • You like to get your back rubbed at bed time "rub my back"
  • Your favorite animal is a horse
  • You still get nervous/shy around strangers at first.. but again you love to talk so as soon as you get comfortable, can't stop you from talking
  • You don't really understand why Karlee doesn't have to go potty in the potty. When she has a poopy diaper you come over and say "disgusting" and then you tell her "Karlee you gotta go poop in the potty." 
  • You don't understand why Karlee doesn't talk and frequently say "Karlee don't talk to me." We have to explain that she is just a baby and learning and you have to teach her
  • You found out mommy's name is Tiffany. And now you like to call mommy Tiffany lots. 
  • After your bath when your naked you say "I show daddy" and think it's hilarious to run downstairs and have daddy tell you to put some clothes on
  • You love to do peoples hair with your hair toys
  • You like to boss people around. You like to say "Leah is in charge" or "Leah is the boss." We've had to explain to you that mommy and daddy are in charge. Now you say "Leah is in charge of Ziggy" and we let you go with that
  • Fireworks weren't really your thing. You watched for a while but got board with it and went to play toys and then you asked to go to bed. Your favorite fireworks were the snaps and the snakes.
  • The fastest way to get you to do something is to say that we will race you there. We race to brush your teeth a lot
  • Mommy always asks you how much shes you and you say "lots" and mommy says "Lots and lots and lots and lots"
  • You are tall enough to reach the light switches now and insist on doing them yourself. You think it's pretty great to turn them on and off
  • You always want to be a big helper "Leah help" with dishes, supper, etc.
  • You are wearing size 3T clothes mostly - some 2T still fits but not all of it. Shoe size is a 7 or 8.
You are the best little 2.5 year old we could ask for!!

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