Friday, August 22, 2014

Karlee - 3 Months Old

3 Months already... can't believe it. You truly are such a smiley, happy, well behaved baby. We are so happy you are a part of our family.

 Here's our monthly recap:
  • You eat about every 3-4 hours and during the day at daycare you eat about 4 ounces at a time
  • You started going to daycare at Darlene's house this month and so far it has gone great
  • You 'coo' or 'talk' to us all the time now. Love hearing your sweet little voice. You also love it when someone sits and talks to you. You will smile and smile and love the attention.
  • You really do smile all the time. You smile way more than I ever remember Leah smiling at this age.
  • You are an AMAZING sleeper. I honestly couldn't ask for more. Ever since mom started going back to work you go to bed about 8 or 8:30 a.m. and sleep till about 1:30 a.m. get up eat and go right back to bed until mom wakes you up at 6 a.m. It's been such a great schedule for us.
  • You are a very sound sleeper and usually just zonk out once you fall asleep with your arms up by your head.
  • You found your ands and you think they belong in your mouth
  • You got your first sickness as our whole family has been plagued with illness this month. You only had a stuffy nose and a little cough and I think you definitely were the toughest one handling it out of the whole family
  • You constantly have boogers in your nose. Drives us both crazy as mom tries to get them out all the time
  • You had your first time staying away from mom for more than a 4 or 5 hour time span. You stayed at Grandma and Grandpa D's camper as mom and dad went to Vegas. You did great or at least they said you did :-)
  • You can wiggle out of your swing now so we definitely have to buckle you in now. Mom caught you hanging on it by your back one day and that was the final... must buckle time.
  • You LOVE white noise. It comforts you. Leah has a little play hair dryer and if we turn that on and let it run you almost instantly calm down and get sleepy. It's been a pretty amazing thing but has caused to run through lots of batteries
  • You love to grab things - toys, your blanket, your clothes, mommy's clothes, you just like having stuff in your hand
  • You've started pulling your pacifier out of your mouth and holding it in your hand. You haven't figured out how to put it back in yet.
  • You can scoot yourself around in a circle on the floor when laying on your back
  • You like to sleep with your head turned to the side so you've had lots of hair rub off there
  • You like to blow mouth bubbles frequently
  • You are SO close to rolling over from back to front.. just have to make that final push over your arm but I'm sure you will do it some day soon
  • You and your big sister get along so well. She comes over to talk to you and you instantly smile. It's a pretty special connection to watch and although I know realistically you guys will grow up and fight and not get along sometimes, I sure hope you keep this pure love for each other throughout your lifetime.
  • You are wearing 3-6 clothes and size 2 diapers
  • You are just such a sweetie!!

A look back at her 2 month picture:
And now 3 Months:

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