Sunday, December 28, 2014

Fort Mohave - Day 5

Day 5 was set up to be a great day. Wixo's arrived and we had a great family Christmas dinner together and the kids all got to open their Christmas presents - which were all big hits - especially the electronic dog and dinosaur :-). But then... it went down hill.

Ziggy ran away back in ND. He was staying at Wixo's with someone he didn't know and must have got scared and jetted away at the first chance he got when he went outside.

I'd rather forget this entire night.. it was awful. We have some amazing friends/family who searched and searched all night for him back in ND but we felt helpless and scared, especially as the weather in ND was in the -20s. It was horrible thinking of him out in that freezing weather all night.

Here's the pictures of the fun parts earlier in the day.

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