Thursday, January 22, 2015

Karlee - 8 Months Old

I have to say this was the easiest time getting pictures ever. She smiled for every single one. Karlee you are so fun to have around and we are so happy you are such a smiley little girl.

Here are the updates up to month number 8:
  • You eat 3 meals a day. Usually a fruit and oatmeal in the morning and a veggie and rice in the afternoon and either a fruit or veggie at night. You've had most all of the stage 2 baby foods.
  • You are a much better eater now which is nice. You will down your food pretty quick and you like most everything now.
  • You have bite mommy quite a few times now and it HURT! So we are coming a mutual decision that that might be a sign that those breastfeeding days are over.
  • You had formula for the first time this month and it's going well. You still have lots of breastmilk to finish up but we are mixing with some formula to get you used to it.
  • You hold your bottle all by yourself to eat now and you usually always eat your whole bottle, no matter how much is in there.
  • You are getting much better at pinching little food and getting it to your mouth. You love the little star bites - so far you have had sweet potato ones and blueberry.
  • You aren't very good with a sippy cup, probably mom and dad's fault because we don't give it to you very much. We will have to start working on that.
  • You still have only your 2 lower teeth.
  • You are pretty much over your stranger danger. Now you love just sitting and watching people so you do pretty well with large groups of people.
  • When we drop you off at daycare, you always smile and giggle when mommy leaves.
  • You love your bouncer, you like to have some time in that every night.
  • I think crawling could come any day now. You hold yourself up and rock back and forth but then plop down on your belly. You get what you need because you pull yourself on your belly and roll, stretch or scoot over to it. You are getting around lots lately and are always finding things mom doesn't want you to have :-)
  • You HATE mornings and being woke up. You come around quick but you are always upset when I first get you up and are not a morning person I'm deciding.
  • You also HATE getting dressed. Anytime, morning or evening, you hate it when it's time to change clothes.
  • You still love bath time and you and Leah play so nice in the bathtub together.
  • You love to stand and would love it someone would just hold you up so you can stand and bounce all the time.
  • You started banging around in your crib at night. You will slam your feet on the side and make some pretty loud noises. You also started really wanting to pull and play with your mobile.
  • You sleep through the night randomly, those are awesome nights!
  • You love playing with balls, Leah's princesses, spoons and anything that can go in your mouth.
  • You still adore your sister and will watch her every move.
  • You still love your pacifier and mom and dad are going to have a rough time taking it away, it will be soon, but we are just delaying it.
  • You squeal lots with a high pitched tone. Very cute.
  • You love to be sung to and it always brings a smile to your face.
  • You love to dance with Leah especially.
  • You had your first airplane ride to Grandma and Grandpa D's. You did amazing!! You slept most of the way on both flights, it was great! We had a great time spending 10 days with Grandma and Grandpa, Chas and the Wixo's in Arizona.
  • You play a special way of peek a boo. You hold your blanket and bring it up and down just waiting for mom to day the words. It's super cute and way easy for us.
  • You fit into some 6-9 month clothes but mostly wear 12 month and size 3 diapers.
  • You have some fat feet so not many shoes fit you.
  • You have the most beautiful smile!
Here you are at 7 Months:

And 8 Months Old:



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