Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Leah - 3 Years Old

Our little princess is 3 Years Old! We can't believe it! You are growing into such a sweet, caring, funny, smart little girl. This is truly mommy's favorite age... if I could bottle up your sweetness and cute personality I totally would. Or maybe we could just keep you at this age for a little while longer, not forever, but for a while! :-) You are always telling us how much you love us and how we are your best friend. I don't know where you come up with some of the stuff you say... it's so clever and funny. You are the BEST big sister and you even help out around the house. Thank you for all the joy you bring to our family. We are so, so lucky to have you!

I've been keeping track of some things to share about your time to 3....

  • You have a love for life and it's so fun to watch how excited you get. You get excited over everything, even the little things.
  • You love daycare (school), your teachers our great and treat you wonderful. You were in Kyrstin's class but about 1 month ago you moved to the 3 year old room with teachers Nikki and Kenna.
  • Your teachers said you are a little "teacher" -- but  think that's another way to say you are bossy to the other kids :-)
  • You learn a lot at school, you always come home singing new songs and you have started learning letters in your new classroom. Your teachers insist you are very smart.
  • You went through an "I'm scared" phase. You were scared of imaginary monsters, bugs, pretty much everything. You would frequently talk about spooky ghosts. You are pretty much over that now.
  • You prefer to be clothes less and love running around the house naked.
  • If it isn't naked, you prefer only to wear princess dresses. You will change into them right when you got home. You have about 5 princess dress PJs and you insist on wearing those every night.
  • You favorite books are: Where's Spot?, any princess book, Llama, Llama Red Pajama, Going to Bed Book and Goodnight Moon
  • You ask tons of questions, lots of whys? and are always trying to learn more. "What you say?"
  • You love to note when you accomplish something by saying "I did it!"
  • You had your first experience with a mouse... it was in your sandbox. You screamed and had to tell everyone the story.
  • You love to tell stories of what you said.. like "then I said... AHHH" or "I was going like this..." and of course act it out. And you repeat stuff lots so we never miss it.
  • You have the craziest made up stories - like one day you told us that you fell in the lake and Paige and Parker had to save you. A healthy imagination??
  • Favorite foods: cheese, spaghetti, oatmeal, pizza, mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, yogurt, cottage cheese, choc chip pancakes, butter (You dont' like it to be melted, like the pieces. I know but you would eat spoonfuls of it if I would let you)
  • You LOVE chocolate milk!
  • Favorite toys: was little bears and putting them down the roller coaster, Dora Kitchen and food - now it's everything princess. You play with your 'little' princess (little people) and 'big' princesses (magiclip) all the time!! And your Dora figurines - all which have their own castles.
  • You also love princess play doh. You have a couple of sets but your favorite thing is to take your Magiclip princesses and make new dresses for them.
  • You've decided your favorite color is purple
  • You have a LOT of best friends. You call everyone your best friend at some point
  • You like attention and want everyone to "Look at Me"
  • You sing all the time!! You know the words to lots of new songs and love sing a longs! Some you sing frequently:
    • Itsy Bitsy Spider
    • Dinosaur song
    • Going on a Bear Hunt
    • There was a girl at Little Bloomers.... (to Old McDonald melody) - "Jump up Leah, Jump up Leah"
    • Disney Princess songs
    • Your own personal made up songs
    • Sophia the First "I'm not ready to be a princess"
    • Taylor Swift - "Blank Space" (what you say is your favorite song) and "Shake it Off"
    • "All About the Base"
    • "What Does a Fox Say"
  • You will also lay in bed and sing yourself to sleep some nights.
  • You are a great dancer too!
  • You know your abc's
  • I've heard you count up to 25
  • Say "with myself" instead of by myself
  • When we thank you for something you frequently comment back in a cute "no problem"
  • You tell us you love us everyday. It's so sweet. You also say cute stuff like "I love you most."
  • We try to pray every night, you know your Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • You tell us how you are in charge of Ziggy and you let him know it frequently
  • "Talk to me!"
  • Favorite movie quote from Tangled "Who are you and how did you find me?"
  • You love to play kitchen and make food for mommy and daddy.
  • You are the wittiest person I know. No matter how frustrated we get with you, the next moment you will flash us a smile or make a joke and it will all go away.
  • You get mad - really mad when you are in trouble and you will go cry hysterically in your room and SCREAM - you have a loud, loud scream. But, you forget about it quickly when it is over.
  • You are now able to let Ziggy outside and back in, it's awesome!
  • You hate naps and you hate going to bed. You always say you aren't tired. You don't take many naps on the weekends anymore - which is too bad. You go to sleep about 8:30 to 9 usually.
  • You like to pull your pants up to be shorts, you love to take your shoes and socks off and lay them around everywhere (just like your dad)
  • You love bath time. You have no problem pouring a whole thing of water on your head. And you really like bath time with Karlee now that she can play with you some.
  • You got a black and blue mark on your ear. Mom thought that was weird.
  • You are the BEST big sister but you do like to tell Karlee what to do. "Look it what Karlee doing. Stop it Karlee." and you aren't quite sure about her crawling around and getting all your stuff now, but you do a pretty good job sharing.
  • You are completely potty trained now... even sleeping in underwear without any accidents for the last 2 weeks. You don't even use your seat anymore. You can do the whole process of going to potty by yourself -- which is amazing for us now! But you still like someone to come with, just to watch.
  • After daycare you love to tell Karlee that she had an accident but Leah didn't have one
  • You pray at meal time at school so you have brought that home to us and make us do "Pray Hands" ---"God is great and God is good, God is good, God is good. Let us thank him for this food. Alleluia."
  • You call mom - Tiff or Tiffany frequently and when you really are serious, you call me Mother
  • You love to play keep away with Ziggy and have him chase you. He gets tired quicker than you like
  • You are such a funny little girl. Daycare quote "she's becoming less shy here and she's hilarious"
  • You talk a lot in third person "Leah needs"; "Leah wants"
  • If you get in trouble at daycare it's sitting out... so you try to play with us and put us in sitting out all the time.
  • You love to say "That's really funny"
  • You love reading books now. You love us reading to you, but you will also take a book and make up your own store and "read" it to us.
  • You like how your IBU medicine tastes, so you frequently tell us you are sick so you can take some. When you are really sick you will say "I'm sick. Will you make me feel better?" so sad.
  • Favorite shows: Peppa Pig, Sophia the First, Barbie dream house, any Disney Princess related. Your actual favorite thing to watch right now is you tube videos of princess toys demonstrated. It's weird, but you love them and beg for them all the time. You call them princess songs.
  • You love Ziggy, probably more than he loves you right now. But it's fun to watch you be able to play catch with him and you love it when you can chase home around.
  • You think it's really cool to feed Karlee and sometimes you like helping to change her diaper, but not often.
  • You fake cry and fake wine a lot. You wine more than we would like right now.
  • To help you fall asleep you ask for your back to be rubbed every night.
  • You frequently ask us a question and then say "yes" or "no"
  • You like to call me
  • You loved your Elf on the Shelf, it was a big hit!
  • You've had some occasions where you have had some pretty weird dreams. You have woke up in the middle of the night saying "Karlee doesn't eat meat" or " a bug was bugging me" or "I have to blow my nose"
  • You got a new vanity with lots of make-up from Aunt Chas and you love putting on make-up. Eye shadow, lip stick, lotion - you love it all.
  • You went through a stage where you always said your pants or shoes hurt.. you are over that now though.
  • You are obsessed with wanting to use scissors, especially around Christmas wrapping time.
  • You are definitely a performer, you love to dance and to sing and when you do, you love to have an audience. Also, when you put on a princess dress, you like someone to announce you as you come down the stairs.
  • You are also very dramatic - you have a lot of energy and you also get very upset. You probably roll your eyes at dad the most though. He's gotten a few stern looks from you.
  • I love our sweet talks before bed. You try to avoid going to sleep so you will say "mom, I gotta tell you something" and talk more and you will tell me about your friends at school or your day or just make up stories. It's my favorite time with you.
  • You call mom and dad or others "your majesty"
  • You like to tell people "you silly"
  • You are very proud you can now sit criss cross applesauce
  • You have an issue talking back and saying "no" to mom and dad and have a slight lying problem so you don't get in trouble.
  • You love to make deals with us
  • You are scared of fire and when you see it you tell us that "you can't touch fire"
  • You hide all the time. In the mornings you will go to the back seat and hide, when someone is coving you will put your blanket of your head to hide, you will hide in the pantry or under the table. You just like hiding but you will always tell us you are going to go hide from ....
  • You love spending time at the lake.
  • You are a great swimmer. You can even swim with your head under water -- it's pretty impressive to mom. You also say that you wish you were a princess mermaid.
  • You have the most beautiful blue eyes that melt us when you look at us. I wish pictures did them justice. So, you test your limit sometimes, but your sweet little face always gets you out of it :-) We love you so so much!!

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