Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Karlee - 11 Months Old

Our 11 month old stinker is on the move everywhere. It was pretty difficult to get some cute pictures this month because she kept trying to throw herself off the chair. Luckily, she is such a cutie that all the pictures of her are perfect.

You are getting so active and here are some of the things of 11 months:
  • You are pretty much done with all baby food at home and at daycare - just using of the last of it. You much prefer to eat with your hands for everything and don't love being spoon fed anymore.
  • The only way you like a spoon is if you get to control it, so you get one with supper and we are trying to teach you how to use it.
  • You do well with any kind of sippy cup and have that with all your meals.
  • You have  a 6 oz bottle about every 4-5 hours and still 8 oz before bedtime.
  • Your favorite foods are mac and cheese, fruits and puffs.
  • You are sleeping through the night!!! You have been pretty consistent about it for the last 2 weeks. It only took a few rough nights of crying it out and you got the idea that night bottles were done. It's been so so nice. Such a big girl you are now. You need your heater/fan running during the night.
  • You started a new daycare on April 20 - the same one as Leah. Leah is so excited to have you there and the first few days are going really well. It's nice to have you both in the same place for drop off and pick up and Leah has even got to go see you during the day which we just love.
  • You still only have your two bottom teeth, I figure those top ones will pop through anytime - but I've thought that for a long time.
  • Your biggest hates in life is getting your nose cleaned and getting dressed. Both cause you to cry and scream.
  • You can help getting dressed a little with putting your arms through, but you scream the whole time doing it. You also can put necklaces on and off yourself.
  • You hate laying down to get your diaper changed now.
  • You can climb up all the stairs and are quick about it. You know the word 'no' now because you hear it a lot as you jet over to the steps to go up or down them... but 'no' usually just makes you smile and go a little faster towards them.
  • You have become a speed crawler, it's amazing how fast you can crawl now compared to last month.
  • You copy actions. Your biggest new trick this month is learning to wave 'bye bye' which you started doing when we drop you off in the morning at daycare.
  • You also try to repeat what we say and get much closer. I believe I've heard from you Ziggy and maybe Leah?? but the majority of time you like to still say da da. 
  • You really like to be tickled. And you love to play break the pickle.. tickle.. tickle
  • You love to dance - especially with Leah.
  • You frequently stand in your crib.
  • You still love bath time because you love splashing in the tub with Leah.. you two giggle and giggle.
  • You have the cutest squeal when you get excited.
  • At supper time as Leah sings her prayer you love to dance in your high chair to it.
  • Leah has determined that your favorite princess is Belle.
  • You love to spit and make bubbles with your mouth. That also makes you giggle.
  • You can stand for a few seconds all by yourself and walk with one hand helping you for a little bit. You can wobbly make a few steps by yourself in between mom and dad catching you but that's about it.
  • You favorite toys are your Ariel car (from the Easter bunny), monkey with balls, Leah's princesses, block and any and all balls.
  • You love to be held but only if someone is standing and hold you, not sitting.
  • You are a daddy's girl, you love your daddy.
  • You love kneeling and bouncing up and down. Leah calls them your 'jumping parties'
  • You run to steal your sister's purple blanket at any chance you get and then you will scream when she comes to take it back (or take anything from you). You have no interest in any of the other 20 of your own blankets.
  • You are wearing mostly 18 month clothes now and size 4 diapers.
You are so close to a year and just perfect in every way. You bring us so many smiles and you still make our little family complete.

A look back at 10 months:

And here you are at 11 months:

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