Monday, January 30, 2012

Coming Home

Mommy and Leah were doing great by Saturday night, so we got to go home. We were really ready to get home, meet Ziggy and sleep in our own beds! 

Leah screamed in the car seat for the first 10 minutes, but then decided it wasn't so bad.

Slept the whole way home.

Ziggy isn't sure what he thinks fo Leah yet. He comes over when she cries but besides that doesn't really giver her much attention. We know he loves her already though and he is going to be great with her.

Sleeping in her own bed.


Lacy said...

Room did turn out so cute....wish Nikki lived closer so i could hire her to get mine together once we move!!!!

M. Holland said...

Did Nikki do the sign too?