Monday, January 30, 2012

Labor Day - Friday

Leah's Birthday 1/27/12: If there is one word I would use to describe labor it would be painful. However, it is true what everyone says that once the baby comes out, you forget all the pain and realized what a miracle you just experienced.

Friday morning I went into the hospital about 7 a.m. About 8:30 a.m. my midwife broke my water and then it all started... Contractions started to come consistantly every 3 minutes almost right away and didn't stop until birth at 5:32 p.m. - 9 hours later. I went in not sure if I wanted to get an epidural or not but thought I will take it one contraction at a time and see how it goes. It was hard but by time I got checked at about 4 p.m. and was 6-7, I just decided I was going to do this without one. After that thing went pertty quick. I was complete at 5 p.m., had a half hour of pushing, and she was here! 

I have to give so much thanks to my wonderful husband who was a rock. I honestly could not have done it without him! Somehow he always knew the right thing to do to make me be able to get through it. I also had the most amazing nurses! I didn't get a picture with Mary but thank you to Mary and Trisha for being my labor nurses and putting up with me for 9 hours!  

With Denise (my Midwife, who is wonderful)

With Trisha

With Jamie

Leah getting checked out

Thank you so much Daddy, you are amazing!!

I honestly couldn't be happier with how the day went resulting in this healthy, beautiful little girl. But, I am really glad that the labor part it is over! :-)

1 comment:

Eric and Kayla said...

You rock Tiff!! What an awesome story! Thanks for sharing!!