Monday, January 30, 2012

Leah's Perfect Nursery

After much waiting, I finally got to see Leah's nursery and it was far better than I could have even imagined! So much thought and love was put into this room by Leah's Auntie Nikki and it will be the perfect room for her to grow up in.

We can't thank Auntie Nikki and Auntie Chas enough for doing this as a surprise for Leah and Mommy. Everytime I go in and look at it I just love it more and more. I keep noticing something new that was made or bought for her. Nikki was sure a busy girl making all these awesome crafts. This truly is the perfect room for her and I know Leah loves it because she slept so well in her crib the first night we were home!!

Here was the before.

And the after:

With a full closet of clothes already!

Isn't it awesome?!? Nikki you amaze me, really you should do this for a living!! Thank you - it meant so much to me and it will always be remembered as special surprise done for Leah.


Eric and Kayla said...

The nursery is beautiful and so perfect for Leah! Great job Nikki! You should start a side business! ;)

M. Holland said...

SO, SO, SO, SOOOOOOOOO cute!!! Yes, I wish Nikki would let us hire her out! I have couple wall that need decorating!!!

Life is Great with Eight said...

WOW! It sure looks like a whole new room! Way to go Aunt Nikki... you have a special talent! Leah is sure one LUCKY little girl! Love the photos... and especially the color combination too!

Paige Cermak said...

Nikki - I absolutely love the nursery you put together for Leah! The colors and the overall design are just so creative. You really do have a gift :)